School shootings and attacks are still on the rise, and although schools are spending $3.1 billion on security, their investments are falling short and failing the public.
Now is as important a time as any for security professionals to stay up-to-date on security developments. Are you looking to learn about the latest security technology developments?
Keep reading, as this guide tells you everything you need to know about the benefits of integrated security for school security professionals.
Cloud-Based Access Control And Video Security Systems
Cloud-based classroom door locks and video security systems in an integrated security system bring many benefits in coordinating security and minimizing vulnerabilities.
In an on-premise system, access control and video security are hosted on separate platforms, making retrieving data for comparison and analysis difficult.
So, if your security team needed to investigate an incident involving stolen access credentials, they would need to correlate timestamps from the video footage with access logs to prove unauthorized entry.
However, if you hosted both data sets on a single platform, they would be readily available on a single interface for comparison and investigation. This allows for a more user-friendly security experience, ensuring more agile security investigation procedures.
You can perform automated identity verification if you integrate access control and video surveillance or purchase a video intercom reader with built-in video and access control. Applying facial recognition software would provide additional security for MFA and biometrics at your building’s entrance.
With this integrated security measure, you can eliminate one of the critical vulnerabilities in any access control system - the potential for an unauthorized user to use stolen credentials to enter your building.
Coordinating Cyber And Physical Security Teams
The lines between cyber and physical security teams are less apparent with an integrated security system. When your security data is hosted on the cloud, your cybersecurity team is responsible for keeping the data secure. On the other hand, your physical security team is responsible for protecting your server rooms to keep your digital assets safe.
With such interlinked cyber and physical security comes the opportunity to merge your cyber and physical security teams for more cohesive security. By combining both teams, you can ensure that all security threats are resolved from a cyber and physical standpoint.
You can also prevent interdepartmental data silos that could present a risk to your overall security health. Both teams will be able to collaborate and communicate, fortifying your security strategy against hybrid cyber-physical security attacks, risks, and threats.
Integrating Cybersecurity Policies Into Physical Security Hardware
Regarding your integrated security system, keeping cybersecurity policies in mind can be helpful. For instance, a zero-trust policy limits the risk of an internal-origin security breach. Users do not receive access permissions to use all resources on your network simply by the merit of being able to access the network.
Instead, they are granted role-based permissions that only allow them to access the limited amount of data they need to perform their role. This means that should their device or account become compromised; the cyberattacker will only be able to access a limited amount of resources.
Similarly, your physical security strategy needs role-based access control for a zero-trust policy. Just because visitors, interviewees, and contractors are allowed to enter the building does not mean they should be able to access server rooms, cashboxes, and other valuable company assets.
You can integrate smart door locks with your access control system to apply role-based permissions, only allowing building users to access the areas they need for daily operations.
Leverage Security Data To Automate Security Operations
With integrated security data, you can apply AI and analytics to automate security operations. AI and analytics will analyze your access logs, surveillance footage, and other security data to find anomalies indicating a potential security threat.
When a potential security threat is detected, your security team will be notified via a mobile alert, allowing them to respond quickly and efficiently for more proactive security operations.
To improve school security, you should consider the benefits of cloud-based security tools with open API integrations. Integrating your security tools can help you to make data more accessible, improve the function of your existing security investments, and minimize vulnerabilities in your system. ###