In a news release on December 14: Superior Plus Announces Cyber Security Incident, the company shared that the attack began on Sunday and that "Superior has temporarily disabled certain computer systems and applications … and is in the process of bringing these systems back online," adding that it "took steps to secure its systems and mitigate the impact to the Corporation's data and operations." No news yet as to whether ransomware was involved.
Saryu Nayyar, CEO, Gurucul (she/her) weighed in on this incident:
"Attackers continue to pound away at critical infrastructure, last weekend going after Superior Plus, the largest propane gas distributor in the United States. While some are calling it a ransomware attack, that doesn’t yet seem to be confirmed. For those using propane for heating, this is a bad time of year for this type of attack. Superior has over 780,000 customers, $2.2 billion in revenue, and over 4300 employees. The company is still investigating the scope and attack vector used.
At least Superior seems to be well-prepared to deal with this issue, having shut down servers early on, and currently attempting to bring them back up gradually. Enterprises can conduct simulated fire drills based on attack scenarios and develop both automated and manual playbooks once an attack is confirmed. Automated risk analysis and initial response can go a long way toward remediation of attacks.”