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Huntress Launches Managed Detection and Response Solution for Microsoft 365 to Protect SMBs Against

Huntress, a managed security platform for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs), has unveiled a new Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution for Microsoft 365. This product is designed to provide protection to Microsoft 365 users by monitoring identities, detecting and responding to suspicious activity, and quickly remediating compromised accounts.

With an estimated 345 million Microsoft 365 users worldwide, the potential losses resulting from cyber attacks grew from $6.9 billion in 2021 to more than $10 billion in 2022, according to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). Furthermore, a recent survey found that 61% of mid-sized businesses reported having no dedicated in-house cyber security expertise. To help bridge this resource gap, SMBs are increasingly turning to platforms such as Huntress to manage their cyber defenses.

Key features of Huntress' MDR protection for Microsoft 365 include active monitoring of Microsoft 365 Active Directory logins, configuration, and email rules, detection of indicators that identities have been compromised, 24/7 human ThreatOps analysis and remediation, and instant lockdown capabilities.

"Huntress MDR for Microsoft 365 provides protection from identity compromise, including instant detection, one-click fixes and, if needed, automated account lockdown and our 24/7 human-powered threat operations analysis to protect businesses, their assets and their customer data," said Kyle Hanslovan, co-founder and CEO of Huntress.

During the initial deployment of Huntress MDR for Microsoft 365, IT services providers such as Blue Tree Technology and L7 Solutions have implemented this solution for their customers, with positive feedback received.

Huntress' MDR solution for Microsoft 365 is currently available to pre-enrolled customers, with general availability planned for later this quarter. ###


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